WEALTH Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part 6 It’s time to have some fun!!! Today is Part 6 in our money management for kids’ series and the topic of discussion is the Happy Jar. As a mom, I often find it difficult to “treat myself.” I’m guilty of always putting…
Author: melaniejanenicolas
WEALTH Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part 5 “No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” -Aesop The topic for today is giving. How do you teach your child to give cheerfully? Well, that life lesson is made simple with the Tithe Jar. Dylan’s Story When my son Dylan turned…
WEALTH Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part 4 Welcome to Part IV of the Wealth Jar Series. Today’s jar is The Living Jar. If you haven’t already guessed it, the Living Jar is for Living Expenses. Now you may be saying; my kids don’t have enough money to pay for…
WEALTH Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part II Welcome to Part III of our Money Management for Kids Series. Last time we discussed the 2nd Jar, the Education Jar, and how it’s used for continuous education. This is for your child to continuously invest in themselves and their education …
WEALTH Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part 2 “If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.” –Brian Tracy Today we are discussing the 2nd Jar in the series which is the Education Jar. When I speak of…
WEALTH Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part 1 Over the course of this 6-part Series, I’m going to explain the core principles I teach my very own kids about money management. Use of the WEALTH Jars is the basic foundation your kids need to be money smart and achieve financial success….
What usually happens when you give your child money? If you’re like a majority of parents, your answer is something like: They Spend All of It and Don’t Save a Dime OR It’s Gone So Fast I know it seems like they always have their hand out asking for the latest toys and gadgets. Wiis,…